
Saturday, March 3, 2012

Cake Pops!

Posted by - Anuja @ http://simple-baking.blogspot.in/

I have been thinking of making these for some time now but somehow couldn't get around actually making them. Then Rena from Have the Cake posted her March challenge....ta da.. Cake Pops! It was a sign..I have to give it a try. This is a very simple ‘how-to’ for making them, I am in no way an expert and will gladly leave that title to Bakerella!

Basically to make cake pops you need to make a cake.  Then you deconstruct ( well actually smash) the cake and mix it with an icing ( any icing or frosting will do).  Then you roll it into balls, chill them, then pop in some sticks and dip in melted chocolate.

I made it into a weekend fun project as Saee was at home and boy did we have fun!! I managed to get only half the quantity of pops done as the other half was gobbled up by my sous chef.

You can use any cake recipe or even a packet mix is fine. Check out the great tutorial by Instructables here.

Oh and BTW they are supposed to look like cupcakes :).


  1. They are SO cute! They totally look like little cupcakes. Well done! :)

  2. They look very cute especially with chocolate on them. Well done!

  3. Well done, they seem hard to make! You have done a very adorable job!

  4. Very cute!! I can think of some kids who would love these.

  5. Thanx all for your sweet remarks :)

  6. Too cute! The challenge will be to resist them ALL!

  7. what a great adventure! Your cake pops turned out wonderful!

  8. Yum! Looks amazing! I've been wanting to make cake pops for ages, I need to give this a try.

  9. These are adorable, and I would really like to eat a few!

  10. kwa! so cute, that cake reminds me of a friends of mine. he gave me candy lolipop but its soft haha!
    thumbs up for this post. good!
