About HTC

Welcome to Have the Cake. Every month we pick one recipe for a cake, cookie, cracker, pie, bar, biscuit or brownie. Everyone can make it as is or put their own spin on it. You have the whole month to complete it and when you are done, post your baking experience on your blog and right here! Welcome and let's get baking!

The blog is public so please feel free to invite your friends to join us and send them this way!

Posting on Have the Cake:
If you have your own blog, please post your baking experience (with pictures) on your own blog and copy the post on Have the Cake sometime throughout the challenge month. Please link to Have the Cake on your personal blog so we can recruit new bakers :) If you don't have your own blog, you can post directly to Have the Cake! Posts should be for challenges and results only, please. Comments are for anything and everything!
Please tag your results and/or challenge with the corresponding month & challenge only.

All posts are subject to minor editing by the administrator.