Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Strawberry Shortcake, Deen Brothers'

Posted by - Michele of Alwayzbakin

Whew! Just made it. It is the last day of June. I've been so busy with parties at my house. But last night I finally got to make my strawberry shortcake recipe. This is my first month particpating with you all and I'm very excited! All the recipes looked great!

I decided to go with the Deen Brothers' recipe. It came out great and was easy to put together. I had a lot of fun making it because I have never made strawberry shortcakes with biscuits before. Yum!

If you would like to give the recipe a try, take a visit here. :)


Rena said...

I LOVE the heart! It looks so cute!

Welcome to the group. :)

Michelle said...

I just noticed, Michele, you made it heart shaped!