Saturday, June 25, 2011

boston cream cupcakes

Posted by -Vivian

When I heard that this month's challenge was going to be Boston cream pie I knew exactly what to make, Martha Stewart's Boston Cream Cupcakes.  cupcakes just always seem to fit the bill for me... I mean, who doesn't like cupcakes??? they turned out yummy and were just the right size for this rich dessert.
The recipe for her cupcakes can be found here.   If there were to be any changes I would make in her recipe it would be to add more vanilla into the cream.  Using an actual vanilla bean or vanilla bean paste would have put this recipe over the top!


Donna Elick said...

How fantastic. Thanks for sharing!

Nana said...

Your ganache looks so thick and rich! Yummy! :)

Cooking Foodie said...

These look delightful...

BluBabesCreate said...

Now I know where to go for a little bit of Boston!

Colleen said...

Those are fantastic!!

Vivian Thiele said...

Thanks ya'll... these were pretty tasty! Glad this month was Boston cream pie :-)

Gloria Baker said...

I think look delicious! gloria

Jessica said...

Cupcakes have a special place in my heart and these look amazing!

Anonymous said...

I really like the cupcake version. My mouth is watering from your pics!!!!!!